Sup foo's!
Blog post on time this time so most of you frequent readers prolly already realize it was rather decent month.
We start off right with poker and i really didnt feel as good about my game in a long while and after running cold for far too long things finally seem to come together.
So first off teh garph:
realmoney june |
BBs june |
winnings+rb |
As you can see casual 80 stack month and around 8k in winning + another 4k in rakeback. Also very very little variance compared to other months which gets a bit more obv here:
breakdown by days |
6 losing days out of 25 and only one day where i lost moar than 500bucks. Pretty insane given that i played decent amount of 200 and some 400 but also shows that i ran fairly well overall. Also to note that this steady grind gives alot of peaze of mind but safe to say it will not stay forever like this.
bell curve aka hitting skillz for june (pokertracker only) |
In case of hitting skillz there seem to be still alot of room for improvement especially regarding sets but this is by far the best bell curve i can produce for any given months this year which somewhat shows how pisspoor i was running so far but moar about that later in teh YTD review. Also safe to say that you cannot base your entire run on that little graphic bc there are coolers, above EV and alot of other things to consider but it at least gives you a decent indication how things are going. If for instance all indicators are at lucky over a 100k sample but you are bleeding money there is most likely something very wrong from my experiece.
Anyways, last graphic for now:
Fairly proud about this and im quite sure that is teh highest winrate i ever produced over such a sample. Its only 120k hands but its still something.
Some may have realized that i only played 120k hands which is certainly on teh very low end for me and i couldnt recall a month (ever?!) i played that few. Well, this has reasons. Since in Vienna i started mixing in 6max again and did cap may table around 22. I realized more and more that once i hit like 18 and alot where 6max and i was already an hour into teh session my game detoriated significantly, especially redline so that i wanted to experiment with a completely different approach this month while playing max 15 table and be 100% focussed and never overwhelmed regarding action. This is working out great so far but also abit early too tell how great it really is bc #lolsamplesize. My hands/hour dropped from 900ish to 650ish which definitely gives a slight drop in rakeback hourly but on teh other hand i play moar 6max now which gives more points and also play abit looser than before so that teh drop isnt too significant.
I also tried to fix alot of small to medium leaks in my game which really seems to pay off finally. There were just a bunch of spots i was highly exploitable (and got exploited heavily) which i should've at least partly fixed by now. Obv its a never ending cycle and theres still alot of work to do.
Game at teh moment are teh best i've seen them in a long time and i can only imagine that stars marketing efforts are finally paying off. There are plenty of massive fish around and while in thailand it took me up to 45minutes to get session started now im basically good to go after 5 or 10 minutes which is huge.
They say never change a running system and that is what i will do precisely in july - leave everything like it was in june and also start mix in 400SH bombs and some 600ring again (which i both havent played last month). Superpumped atm and fairly confident so we'll see what july has in store for me.
Enough talking about this month - 6 months into teh year so time to recap:
From my personal experience definitely teh nutlow run i ever had in over 10 million hands. In order to display that best here is once again teh infamous bell curve:
bell curve januar to june |
So far i didn't had a single month where one of those indicators was on teh lucky side and overall im hitting like 1 out of 10 sets while it should be 1 out of 8 for instance. Yeah, but that's variance and i will not complain to much because teh 10mirrion hands prior i was running pretty well for teh most part. Also to note that not everything this year was bad. There were upswings as well, i had good months (january and june) but in general teh downers were way severe than teh uppers and took way longer time.
So far around 55k up with rakeback. Definitely not superhappy but i have to take it. Also to put things into perspective i'm running absolutely atrocious, it's 2015, teh majority of hands comes from NL hundo AND i'm still up 55k. Overall that's not too bad. Also noteworthy that since my money is predominately made in USD and given teh development of teh Euro it's worth like 1.4x what it was worth last year around that time.
Obv you can now talk about teh if's and when's but kinda pointless. With another run i could easily be up 70 or 80 but variance keeps teh game alive and sometimes you will get teh best of it and sometimes not.
My general goal for teh year was 150++ which puts me significantly behind pace and for teh case teh run continues i will for sure not even get close. If things turn around 150k is definitely not completely out of range but still a tough job. Definitely will keep pushing for it every day. At lease for teh absolute mingoal of 6figures i'm ahead of pace :)
But yeah, that's also teh thing with goals in poker - you never know what happens and even if your EV is a certain number like lets say 150k it's completely normal if you only come out with 120 or overperform with 180. And yes, i think given everything i know that my actual expected value over 12 months should be lying somewhere around teh 150k area, possibly slightly less.
That's that, now back to life:
Things are good so far and i played around 195 hours this month. Compared to Thailand where my daily schedule and sleeping hours where changing all teh time i have a way better schedule since i'm here which also definitely has a positive effect on my game and wellbeing. Normally i wake up between 12 and 1, get a protein/greek yoghurt shake in, play a short session. Then go for a realbreakfast at some of teh 100restos around teh corner, come back, play 2 sessions, order food for dinner, have a nap, play another 2 or 3 sessions and go to teh gym around 4am, go to bed straight after, rinse repeat - eat, sleep, grind...
Obviously abit different to teh standard 9to5 but i'm used to be awake at night and like it, i just dont like being awake til 11am like in Thailand.
At teh end of teh month i took a mini holiday in Malta, mainly to catch some sun (weather was awful here so far but is getting alot better now) and to attend a big yearly party organized by good friends of me. Also my biggest friendcircle is still in Malta that it's always awesome to come back and see all teh familiar faces again. Had awesome 4 days there but also was happy to return after that. The moar i stay here teh moar i seem to like Vienna. Those studies about lifequality here really don't like. After being away for almost a year from Malta you almost forget how terrible that service in 90% of restaurants really is and how bad teh food is compared to here :D
For this month besides grinding i already have some plans as well. At the end of teh month i will attend teh wedding of infamous Bigacsiga which is a co-worker of mine and good friend for a long time now. Teh event will be held in Crakow and it will be my first time there and my first time in Poland as well so that i can cross another country from teh list. There's also a stag night planned for him 2 weeks prior to that event which will be held in Budapest and since i havent been in that city neither in this country i might attend this one as well but its not 100% confirmed like Poland yet. Flights are only 1 hour from here but already ridic expensive so i might just train it up in 1stclass which take like 3hours and should be fine.
Timewise it's pretty good so at the moment i don't see many reasons not to fit in those 2 miniholidays and visit one of my favorite parts of teh world aka eastern europe(an girls).
Also got a new phone which is teh Samsung Galaxy S6 edge which i can only highly recommend if somebody thinks about getting a new one- They definitely stepped up their game a bit with this one.
Last but not least i really want to get a new car sooner or later and i really really really want to get teh 2015 model of teh Corvette Z06:
First models in europe are about to delivered and everything would be cool but cars are ridic expensive in Austria for whatever reason. While this one starts around 110k euro in Germany it starts at 150k euro here which is kinda meh. Not that i don't have enough money to buy it, question of more if i really want to spend that much on it. Still undecided. Really want to have it by summer next year and my masterplan would be to buy a used one with low milage for like a hundred but i'm somewhat doubtful if i get one for that price by that time. Maybe should start playing sunday million again and use my one time. If teh year goes really well from now on i might just YOLO it up and pay teh 150 for it but definitely cannot count on that.
In teh end luxury problems and as usual we'll see what happens.
Bit longer post this time again, hope you fine folks enjoyed it and you will here from me in appr. one month as usual.
hip hop pool party in malta |
gym during holiday |
my flat while in malta |
teh hate i get in mtts is strong |
teh shoes which make me 1.93 and dutch |
cafe del mar champagne showers in malta |
cute malta cafe with view of balutta church and my old penthouse |
usual afternoon on teh island |
coveted ferrari of a friend parked right in front of teh venue for showers |