Long time no see!
As you may have realized this blog is
almost dead but I might blog once a bluemoon if there is a topic I
consider interesting and wanna write about. Also since I'm doing more
real estate related stuff I may create a blog around that topic at a
later time maybe if I feel like it.
This post will elaborate on two
questions I get alot lately and which have some relevance to
pokerplayers and digital nomads in particular:
"Why are you in Manila?"
"Why are you in Manila?"
"What is better, Bangkok or
First one is fairly simple to answer –
because I feel good here and see alot of potential. Second one is
abit more tricky and I honestly think there is no clear answer and it
depends alot on personal preference and alot of other factors. I will
try to point out similarities and differences going forward.
At first glance:
Both cities are major asian capitals and when you look at them out of the plane they look similar as well: lots of skyscrapers and concrete which make almost any euro city look like a fucking village. If you take a closer look though they are quite different in alot of aspects.
Both cities are major asian capitals and when you look at them out of the plane they look similar as well: lots of skyscrapers and concrete which make almost any euro city look like a fucking village. If you take a closer look though they are quite different in alot of aspects.
Bangkok ist one of the major tourist hubs worldwide I would say while Manila is far from that :)
Bangkok ist one of the major tourist hubs worldwide I would say while Manila is far from that :)
If you tell someone who has never been to
Manila that you are in Manila their first reaction almost always is:
"Isn't it dangerous there???". I don't think anybody ever
reacted that way when I talked about being in Bangkok. The statement
itself probably isn't that wrong depending on which area in Manila
you choose it can get unsafe while in Bangkok you can go pretty much
anywhere without worrying too much. I think main reason for this is
due to Thailand overall being alot richer than Philippines (as of
now) and alot of the crime that occurs happening due to people need
to survive somehow. However from what I heard it improved alot since
Duterte is in charge of the running the show even though there are still
some areas which should be avoided particularily at night.
While Bangkok you see tons of
foreigners at every street corner almost no matter where you roam in
the city in Manila it can easily happen that you are the only white person in a large shopping mall – there are still alot less expats living
here longterm and tourists on average stay maybe 1 night in the city
before they fly to their island destinations. It's understandable
though because in Bangkok there is just more stuff to do as a
Another big aspect for living in a
foreign country is language and your ability to interact with people
which is one of the biggest advantages the Philippines and
particularily Manila holds at this point. You would need to look
really hard in Manila to find a person under 50 with whom you cannot
have a conversation in english. Conversely it will be incredibly hard
to find a taxi driver in Bangkok who speaks english at all. This fact
alone is worth so much and makes life so much easier that it's just a
massive advantage for Philippines over Thailand in general. If you
are a pokerplayer all this doesn't have too much weight because you
aren't so dependant on other people but since I'm now more involved
in realestate you need to work with alot of different locals
(brokers, insurance agents, cleaners, lawyers, tenants, etc) and it's
alot easier if you know all those people almost independant on their
personal backgrounds speak fluent english.
I think this is also one of the points
I'm more fond of the locals in Manila simply because you can interact
with them on a different level. From what I experienced here the
locals are alot more open and friendly towards foreigners and I think
one of the main reasons for this is that you don't have the language
City structure/Traffic:
I said that from above both cities look similar but on the ground they look very different and have a different structure.
I said that from above both cities look similar but on the ground they look very different and have a different structure.
Bangkok I would say looks similar
almost anywhere you go. There is a brandnew superluxurious highrise,
next to it are some street vendors, you can see 2 beggars sitting
around, there are some potholes in the street and it smells. It's
like this pretty much in any district you go and you will know "this
is Bangkok where I am".
Manila is different in a way that it has small to larger townships all over the city which are highly urbanized and absolutely highend with no smell, no street vendors, no beggars, no potholes and alot of highrises all brandnew and right next to it you have a slums with tin shacks which basically can't be found on that level in Bangkok at all. I haven't researched this topic but I would expect that wealth inequality is alot higher in Manila compared to Bangkok.
Manila is different in a way that it has small to larger townships all over the city which are highly urbanized and absolutely highend with no smell, no street vendors, no beggars, no potholes and alot of highrises all brandnew and right next to it you have a slums with tin shacks which basically can't be found on that level in Bangkok at all. I haven't researched this topic but I would expect that wealth inequality is alot higher in Manila compared to Bangkok.
If I would give you a blindfold and fly
you to Bangkok and then take it off you would know directly where you
are or could narrow it down quite well. If I'd do the same and fly
you to my area in Manila there is no way you would guess this is
Manila if you haven't been here before because the picture the media
has given you will be very different from how it actually can look
Traffic is bad in both cities but in
Bangkok if you live close to the skytrain you can be all over the
city in 15 to 30 minutes. In Manila at this point still public
transport is non-existant and you are almost forced to live where you
work unless you want to spend 3 hours of your precious day in a
traffic jam. Even shortest distances at the wrong time can be an
absolute nightmare. Luckily if you decided on a nice district you
basically never have to leave unless you want to go to the airport or
for some nightly entertainment in another part of the city.
Which city is better? Alot of this
comes down to personal preference again. Bangkok gives you a much
more authentic feel while alot of the upscale neighbourhoods in
Manila are quite artificial. I still prefer the 2nd option
but there might be alot of people who would think of my current
neighbourhood as "too sterile, too clean, too artificial".
Food & Nightlife:
I put those two together because it's an easy win for Bangkok in both categories. The thai food in general is just so much better than any filipino food can ever be no matter how good the chef is (sorry my fellow pinoys). Just look around the world and you will even find very good thai restos in smaller german towns while it will be a challenge to find a filipino restaurant in bigger german cities – there are reasons for that.
I put those two together because it's an easy win for Bangkok in both categories. The thai food in general is just so much better than any filipino food can ever be no matter how good the chef is (sorry my fellow pinoys). Just look around the world and you will even find very good thai restos in smaller german towns while it will be a challenge to find a filipino restaurant in bigger german cities – there are reasons for that.
Luckily for me you can get alot of
western and foreign food in both cities as well. However Bangkok has
some restaurants which you just wont find in Manila yet –
settingwise and also quality wise. It should be considered that
Bangkok also as a steep markup on those so the money you spend on
food in Manila will be alot less than you spend for the same in
Bangkok! Situation is improving though in Manila and food and
delivery options are already alot better than when I set boots on the
ground for the first time around two years ago. Another problem here
is that the filipinos love fast food more than life itself as it
seems so that you have an intense amount of outright disgusting
fastfood options which cannot be found in Bangkok in that number. How
this manifests can be seen if you roam around the cities and compare
the physiques of locals ;)
Nightlife I don't have to spend too many
words on. There is just alot more to do in Bangkok with alot more
variety. Be it bars or clubs it doesn't matter. Bangkok is one of the
nightlife capitals of the world still and while Manila isn't bad
don't get me wrong it cannot compete with Bangkok in any way in this
category unfortunately.
Cost of living:
I never really look at prices too closely but Manila overall will be a decent amount cheaper in this area compared to Bangkok. How much I really couldn't say but there is a bunch of online calculators who can give you percentages. One of the main issues is that the thai baht continues to get stronger vs the USD while the peso loses value. This goes on for a long time now so when you make your money in euro or usd Manila will get cheaper over time while Bangkok is getting more and more expensive. This goes to a level now where some of the Thailand expats facing the problem of not being able to afford the country anymore. But there is good news for them the Philippines will welcome them with open arms! However one thing being said: If you wanna live a certain lifestyle it will be expensive in both cities, actually it will be expensive almost independant on where you go from my experience. But if you live on a budget I would assume that this will be easier to do in Manila especially given how the currencies developed and how they continue to develop.
Staying longterm as a foreigner/visa
While staying longterm in Thailand was always a pain in the ass it's a walk in the park in the Philippines. Even if you don't have much money you can just constantly extend your tourist visa and basically never leave the country. The process is quick and efficient and at one point they even give you 6 months extension so you really don't have to do this often. The only annoying thing is if you stay longer than 6 months in the country you will require a police clearance that they let you leave which is easy to get though (if you weren't involved in criminal activity) but takes some time and driving around which makes it abit annoying.
While staying longterm in Thailand was always a pain in the ass it's a walk in the park in the Philippines. Even if you don't have much money you can just constantly extend your tourist visa and basically never leave the country. The process is quick and efficient and at one point they even give you 6 months extension so you really don't have to do this often. The only annoying thing is if you stay longer than 6 months in the country you will require a police clearance that they let you leave which is easy to get though (if you weren't involved in criminal activity) but takes some time and driving around which makes it abit annoying.
In Thailand however they make it as
hard and as annoying as possible if you wanna stay longterm. You
constantly have to go in and out of the country to get new visa, you
have to report to them now when you travel even within Thailand and
all kinds of this bullshit – and it seems to get worse and worse.
If you aren't living from paycheck to
paycheck there are more convenient options for both countries but
again the Philippines is alot better here.
If you are 35 years or older all you
have to do is park 20k usd in a filipino bank, fill out some
documents and you basically have a lifelong visa for the country. If
you leave you notify them and they will give you back your 20k. If
you are under 35 there is a way to do this as well which is some sort
of investor visa but it involves alot more paper work and actual
investments i think – it isn't a big problem though because as
being said you can pretty much stay indefinite on a tourist visa
without much hassle at all.
In Thailand if you don't want to go
through the constant visa runs you have the choice to aquire the
thailand elite visa which gives you 5 years for around 15k usd i
think. That money you don't get back though ;)
Fairly easy to see which country is better suited for expats in this area.
Fairly easy to see which country is better suited for expats in this area.
Overall thoughts on both
Thailand essentially still has the same army general in power which got in power when I was living there while the Philippines have Duterte. Even though this guy doesn't get alot of good press in the western media and some of his methods are questionable the stuff this guy does clearly works and the vast majority of the population supports him mainly because they see that things are getting better. If Thailand is alot better of than 10 years ago I'm not so sure about, the Philippines are defintitely alot better of than they were back then.
Thailand essentially still has the same army general in power which got in power when I was living there while the Philippines have Duterte. Even though this guy doesn't get alot of good press in the western media and some of his methods are questionable the stuff this guy does clearly works and the vast majority of the population supports him mainly because they see that things are getting better. If Thailand is alot better of than 10 years ago I'm not so sure about, the Philippines are defintitely alot better of than they were back then.
Personally I'm basically long on the
Phillipines as long as Duterte pulls the strings and I hope for a
similarily minded predecessor. Why?
Both countries are fairly similar – they both have insane islands, they share the same climate, people seem to have similar mindsets, the capitals aren't too different yet Philippines has half the GDP of Thailand. On top of that the Phillipines is open to Casinos & Online Gaming (which guarantees a fuckload of chinese investments) and everybody speaks english.
Both countries are fairly similar – they both have insane islands, they share the same climate, people seem to have similar mindsets, the capitals aren't too different yet Philippines has half the GDP of Thailand. On top of that the Phillipines is open to Casinos & Online Gaming (which guarantees a fuckload of chinese investments) and everybody speaks english.
Now if you think about all this either
Thailand has to be overvalued or Philippines undervalued. The english
alone I think should make it more valuable for business and
investments than anything else so I expect alot of room for the
country to continue to grow given that politics stay stable.
So even though realestate yields are
good in both countries (still) I expect alot more room to grow for
the Phillipines going forward while first reports already coming in
that real estate demand in Bangkok is tightening up (i think this is
also related to the strong development of the baht).
Please don't nail me on that assessment
– i did not put deep research into it but it seems logical to me.
I'm very open to counterarguments though if you are more knowledgable
in that area!
I think it's mostly personal preference for which of the 2 cities or even countries you decide. Bangkok and Manila are both fun but there is no definite way to say which is better per se. If you are in your 20s and you like to party alot Bangkok might be better; if you want to play livepoker and live in an asian capital Manila is your choice, if you want to live on an island longterm you need to choose Thailand for now because the infrastructure just isn't here yet, if you want to invest into condos I'm convinced Manila is a better option than Bangkok atm, etc.
As you can see there are alot of
different scenarios and what is ultimatively best best for me might not be best for you.
What about me?:
I'm not playing poker actively anymore but am still involved in the industry in the form of staking and affiliation. I'm still holding on to and buying crypto because I expect good things to happen. I just bought my first studio unit in Manila and have already reserved two more units which are getting finished next year. I'm also looking to buy a nice flat for enduse next year so that I get away from being a rent payer. My longterm goal is to entirely move from poker into realestate over the next couple of years. It's something which facinates me and gives me joy and also alot of skills aquired via poker and trading can be directly applied into it. As I said at the beginning of this post I might consider blogging more with a focus on realestate going forward – if there is a demand!
What about me?:
I'm not playing poker actively anymore but am still involved in the industry in the form of staking and affiliation. I'm still holding on to and buying crypto because I expect good things to happen. I just bought my first studio unit in Manila and have already reserved two more units which are getting finished next year. I'm also looking to buy a nice flat for enduse next year so that I get away from being a rent payer. My longterm goal is to entirely move from poker into realestate over the next couple of years. It's something which facinates me and gives me joy and also alot of skills aquired via poker and trading can be directly applied into it. As I said at the beginning of this post I might consider blogging more with a focus on realestate going forward – if there is a demand!
Kind regards from Manila, Live Strong
to finalize the poast some pictures
from this year:
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at the grand wedding of a business partner in Bangkok |
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my usual breakfast in Manila |
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in one of the brownish towers i bought my first unit |
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FB plug for the unit |
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breakfast in Bangkok this time in the legendary coffee club |
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having a look what all the fuss is about |
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still hitting the gym |
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#lonelyatthetop the highest building in Manilly |
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Paparazzi |
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view of one unit i considered for enduse |
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my cardio grounds |
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view of another potential enduse units - i love views! |
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my studio after being designed |
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some table tennis beginning this year |
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more enduse views |
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lazy afternoon |
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new wallet |
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small soi in Bangkok i found this |
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me during the most expensive dinner I ever had but worth it |