Allrighty, long time since my last update so here it comes.
That it took me that long to write something was mainly to a massive downer in August and i really don't feel like posting when shit hits teh fan.
From my last post u saw that July was quite mediocre and only due to some rungood in teh last week i managed to book 3k before rakeback for teh month. I thought thereafter thing can only get better but that was not exactly wat was happening, i fact it got way worse.
Before i continue here teh beauty of a garph:
Augustaments |
I you can see i was able to drop 4.5k USD over teh course of teh month while my expected value was around zero. Put rakeback into teh whole equation and we have a zero dollar month. Obviously not something which amuses me given my lifestyle and teh resulting expenses. That being said there is not too much you can do about it besides continue grinding and not losing confidence. No matter how good somebody is these days and no matter how good teh games are he is playing this is eventually happening. It's just superstandard that you have those runbads every now and then.
I also was thinking alot about doing another SNE attempt next year maybe bc of that runbad and a guaranteed 10k in rakeback each month is a nice thing to even out variance. Anyways i came to teh conclusion that there are no games i will be profitable at where i can maintain some sort of social life in teh current ecosystem:
- i could grind 24tables 100+200 with good tableselection which will result in appr. 0.3VPP/hand and prolly a 2-3bb/100 winrate -> would mean i have to play over 3 mirrion hands a year, NO THANKS
- i could grind 200+ and cap my tables at 20 or something like that; prolly would avg about 0.4VPP/hand this way which is still 2.5mirrion hands a year and playing 20 tables midstakes (not that i even would get that many games going all teh time) is definitely not easy these days and alot of people will own u pretty hard
- i could switch to zoom but at 100 zoom which is mostly playable you get too few points and at 200 zoom there is only a very small timeframe of 4-5 hours during a day in which games are decent so no option either - at 500 zoom sne is a walk in teh park but games there are absolutely disgusting and i'm not planning to start aiming for breakeven poker in order to get teh black stars...
So all things considered there is just no "easy" way to do SNE so i will not pursue that thought any further...
Ok. Lets forget about stupid august and talk about september instead.
After every downswing there is an inevitable upswing coming (at least as long as u r still a winner on ur stakes and prolly even if you are not a winner anymoar.
I would be lying if those 8 weeks of badrun wouldn't have shattered my confidence a little bit so beginning this month i was still experimenting alot especially with 24tabling 100+200 which is pretty much teh long breakevenstretch in teh beginning:
Septembru |
However i decided after a while that this is not teh answer to my questions and i just lose too much value in so many spots bc of 24tabling. The whole problem with 24tabling these days is that you just don't get teh value anymoar u got 3 years back. Back then you fired up 24 tables and teh vast majority of ur sets, flushes, Aces etc. will get paid so even if u lose some value bc u don't manage to bluff or valuebet thin it doesn't matter - in teh end you will print money consistently. However today where fish openfolding stuff like toptop once u raise teh turn it's quite obv that things have changed a little bit.
So i went back to playing less 100 and moar 200+ again and starting to cap my tables at around 15 which is working out fine so far. I get alot of good games, decent amount of hands per hour and still have time whether to bet a river in position or not where i would've just checked back playing 24 tables.
So after a while confidence came back that i even decided to mix in NL600 SH which i haven't played this year so far and i'm quite satisfied how it went til now. Feeling very good atm even at 400 tables and playing good poker so not much moar to ask for. Also managed to play 164k hands tis month which is prolly most i played this year in a single month. Disgusting though that this only equals 58k VPPs...
Furthermoar had one of my biggest 1k hands upswing sessions ever. If you don't play for a living teh numbers will not say too much but if you do u know tis was quite a sick run:
godrun |
It also appears that games became alot better during teh last week which is prolly bc northern hemisphere summer is finally over and people start playing again instead of doing stuff outdoors.
Not sure how much playing i manage in october due too my move to Bali but we'll see wat happens.
But there moar important thing about poker so back to teh real life:
August was fairly meh basically bc if i run like shit at work i'm some sort of semidepressed all teh time thinking about lots of shit. I guess that's just one of teh minor disadvantages if you play for a living that u go from a state of depression to highly euphoric states all teh time where you are never really at zero like somebody who works a 9-5. But who wants to always be at zero anyways.
I still had alot of visitors over my last 2 months here that teh overall count of people who crashed at my place now is in teh 20s - speaking of i want to live alone for teh first time in ages haha. Still i had a great time with all those people but that being said i would handle things different in future and don't work for like one week each month and have moar people over at teh same time. In teh end it was just a bit too much and i was quite exausted especially in august. It's just a difference working if you are really on your own or if you have people around but i guess i learned my lesson.
While i was still out alot in august i managed to only go out 3times in september even though i planned to go out less but just wasn't able to skip teh closing parties. Last weekend i had my farewell for which we did a pubcrawl to teh Battle of Malta poker tournament party which was good fun. However i went home quite early wit a polish exit mainly due to teh fact that i woke up at 5am and started working that is was game over around 2:30am. Here a group picture of teh pubcrawl - not all participants are on teh picture, i think we were way over 20 in teh end:
pub crawling wit players and gaming industry people |
Also got a farewell t-shirt from my former roomie for tis ocasion:
Another massive party to mention was teh champagne wars which took place in a massive villa close to teh nightlife area in Malta. Definitely a one of a kind event for maltese standards with lots of fun and champagne:
But enough about teh past and moar about teh future. My flight with destination Singapore/Bali starts tomoro at 9:25 and i'm sitting in a pretty much empty flat. Part of my stuff here is stored with a friend, my screens are sold and in one hour i will leave this one
Vette |
with a dealer who will get it sold over teh next months. Definitely gonna be teh hardest good buy of all but in order to leave Malta for (hopefully) good i guess it was teh only way to get it done. Since alot of people asking me if i really never come back here once again my standard answer:I don't plan to spend as much time in Malta as before so i will not be living here teh majority of time during a year anymoar. That being said i always plan to visit in summer for a couple of weeks. I just have way too many good friends over here in order to not come back here every now and then. But since i'm turning 30 next year i have teh feeling that it's time for me to leave that little island behind and exchange it for a way bigger island and possibly a big city in future.
Regarding teh exact plan i fly to Munich tomoro morning and from then on it will be one of my favorite airlines aka Qatar which takes me to Singapore via Doha. I stay in Singapore for 2 days in a nice hotel in chinatown mainly to get my 6month visa for Bali sorted and while i'm there i plan to meet up with some fellow grinders from who might be able to show me around a bit friday evening. Saturday evening then my final flight takes place from Singapore to Bali where i meet with some other players who will be my roomates over teh next couple of weeks/months.
For teh start we sorted a 4bedroom villa in Seminyak for a week:
Villa for first week |
During this week we want to search for some nice longterm villa for appr. 6 months. Given that we want to stay that long i'm not really keen to book something over teh net bc i want to see teh place (some villas are pretty run down there) and i need to check what internet we getting in teh place bc it highly differs even from one street to teh next. Already lined up some appointments and planning to meet some agents once we are there as well so i have no doubt we will end up with something nice. I hope though that one week is enough to find something but even if not you prolly can just longer teh villa above for a couple of days or move once again.
So this 6 months Bali are pretty fix and i'm prolly staying there even over christmas which will result in teh first christmas without family.
Thereafter really nothing is set in stone yet. For now i plan to go to Singapore mid april and see if i like it. It seems like a sick city which could work for me but teh big downside is that it's borderline expensive, especially renting is out of tis world with 1bedroom condos starting at 3.5kUSD in city center.
Thereafter i want to have a look at Bangkok which is ridiculously cheap compared to Singa and then make a decision where to stay for a while. Quite sure i will stay in Asia for at least one or two years but once again u never know wat happens. Also heard that spanish market might open up in future so one ibiza summer would be worth considering then and in teh back of my head is still Dubai but they first have to allow gambling which might take while so far now it is Asia.
Next update very likely to come a bit earlier, prolly once we found longterm villa in Bali.
That's it for now, see you on teh other side!!!